Jim Stott Dance Collection
Charity Dance
June 2024
Jim Stott Dance Collection - Charity Dance 2 June 2024

In The Sunlight of Nikko & Kamakura
found here

Jim Stott presenting the cheque for the sum of £500 to Kate Erridge the Ellon representative for CHAS

I am delighted to announce that I raised the sum of £500 for CHAS from my Charity Dance on Sunday 2 June in the New Inn hotel, Ellon.​
Today I presented a cheque to Kate Erridge, local CHAS representative in Ellon. Kate was 'over the moon' with my donation.
Thanks to the following involved in making the event such a success:
New Inn, Hotel, Management and Staff
Special thanks to Andreas Misacas, hotel manager and Patros in charge of the catering and the hall. Everyone enjoyed the 'fine pieces' and the cup of tea at the interval.
Scott Band
Many, many thanks to Scott who provided wonderful music for the dances. Scott recorded all the music for the latest publication 'In The Sunlight of Nikko & Kamakura' dance book and pen drive.​
Stan Grycuk
Thanks to Stan who provided the beautiful programme for the event.
Anne McArthur
For calling some of the dances and managing the raffle on the day.
The event would not have been so successful without the support of my dancing friends from near and far.
Thanks James S Stott