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Jim Stott and Audrey

Donation to the Friends of the Anchor Unit 

Monies rasied from the sales of

'The Argentine Collection dance book and CD'

The Japanese Collection  - dance book and music along with Jim Stott quizzes

The Sum of £200 has been donated to Friends of the Anchor Unit.


Jim is holding another Charity dance on Sunday 2 June in aid of CHAS - to find out more head over to the

Charity Dance page



Jim handing over a cheque for the sum of £200 to the Anchor Unit.  Audrey's husband has recovered  from prostate cancer.  She was overjoyed.

A big thank you! from Jim Stott

I would like to  thank everyone who supported me in any way before, during and after my Charity Dance on Sunday 15th May at the Ashdale Hall,  Westhill. It was a huge success. Such a happy event and lots of smiling faces. The music from Susan and Shona MacFadyen and Ewan Galloway was terrific.

I cannot thank everyone enough for coming along and contributing to my charity, Macmillan Cancer support.  The sum of £1500.00 has been sent to Macmillan Cancer Support.



Jim Stott

The Band

The Band

Shona and Susan MacFayden Band along with Ewan Galloway

The Argentine Collection sales table

The Argentine Collection sales table

The Argentine collection dance book and CD can be purchased - check out Jimstottdancecollection website

All proceeds to MacMillan support

All proceeds to MacMillan support

All proceeds on the day went to MacMillan cancer support - £1000 donated

Ready Set to go

Ready Set to go

Dancers on the day

Dancers on the day

Charly and Jim ready to head off for the launch

Charly and Jim ready to head off for the launch

Macmillan Cancer support team

Macmillan Cancer support team

Photographs of The Argentine Collection 15th May by Stan.jpg

Thank you to Stan Grycuk for the lovely photographs - please click the link on the thumbnail to view the photographs.

In The Sunlight of Nikko and Kamakura webpage here 
The Argentine Collection 2020 can be purchased here 

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